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Tree Agate Tumbles | Large

Tree Agate Tumbles | Large

Regular price $6.00
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Tree Agate is a unique crystal with profound meanings and powerful healing abilities. Its name itself suggests a deep connection to nature and the grounding energy of trees. Tree Agate is associated with growth, abundance, and harmony, reflecting the resilient and nurturing qualities of nature. It resonates with the Heart chakra, promoting emotional healing, inner peace, and a strong connection to the Earth's energy.

Tree Agate's healing properties extend to the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. It is known for its ability to provide stability and support during challenging times, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. This crystal encourages personal growth, fostering a sense of balance and resilience. It can aid in overcoming obstacles, promoting a positive outlook and the ability to adapt to change. Tree Agate also promotes inner peace and tranquillity, soothing the mind and releasing negative thought patterns. It is often used to enhance meditation practices, allowing for a deeper connection to higher consciousness and spiritual guidance.

Tree Agate is known for its ability to enhance self-confidence and creativity. It stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body, boosting vitality and motivation. This crystal is also believed to enhance communication and strengthen relationships, fostering a sense of unity and harmony. Tree Agate's gentle energy brings a sense of stability, growth, and connection to the natural world, making it a powerful tool for holistic healing and spiritual expansion.

Properties: Growth | Abundance | Harmony | Nurturing | Spiritual Guidance
Chakra: Heart Chakra
Chakra Info: When the heart chakra is balanced, it radiates warmth, kindness, and empathy. It enables us to give and receive love, form healthy relationships, and experience a deep sense of connection with ourselves and others. Opening and nurturing the heart chakra promotes emotional healing, forgiveness, and a profound sense of inner peace and harmony.


Tree Agate is a crystal associated with the Heart chakra, offering healing and nurturing energies. It promotes emotional balance, compassion, and love, supporting harmonious relationships and connections. In terms of health, Tree Agate brings stability and calmness, helping to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being. It enhances psychic abilities, aiding in intuitive insights and spiritual growth. Tree Agate's energy encourages restful sleep, soothes the nervous system, and fosters a deeper connection with nature. It is a beautiful crystal that promotes healing, love, and a sense of inner peace.


Tree Agate promotes overall well-being by grounding and stabilizing the body's energy. It is believed to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Tree Agate's calming energy can also aid in promoting restful sleep and combating insomnia. By fostering a sense of balance and stability, it supports physical vitality and helps to maintain a healthy energetic flow.

Relationships + Love

Tree Agate brings a sense of harmony, nurturing, and connection. It encourages compassion, empathy, and understanding, allowing for deeper and more meaningful relationships. Tree Agate's gentle energy helps to dissolve emotional blockages and heal past wounds, promoting a sense of love and acceptance. It can also aid in fostering a deep connection with nature, amplifying one's appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of all living beings.

Healing Information

Tree Agate is a crystal associated with the Heart chakra, offering healing and nurturing energies. It promotes emotional balance, compassion, and love, supporting harmonious relationships and connections. In terms of health, Tree Agate brings stability and calmness, helping to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being. It enhances psychic abilities, aiding in intuitive insights and spiritual growth. Tree Agate's energy encourages restful sleep, soothes the nervous system, and fosters a deeper connection with nature. It is a beautiful crystal that promotes healing, love, and a sense of inner peace.

How to Care for your Crystal

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