Hypnotherapy For Anxiety, Stress And Depression

My anxiety program is not a "quick fix" or just you sitting in a chair while I "fix you"

This is about changing YOUR life so you are able to easily step forward into the ultimate and empowered YOU.

trauma hypnotherapy, anxiety hypnotherapy, hypnosis anxiety

About My Program-

My program is designed for people who are looking to experience life without the overwhelming emotion of anxiety and fear, who experience the below list of common signs of anxiety.

Moving beyond anxiety, to experience happiness and joy, to feel lighter and relaxed.

People who engage in my Hypnotherapy For Anxiety experience more control in their emotions, feel happier, healthier, clear in the mind and improved sleep, just to name a few.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety includes between 4-6 sessions, all tailored to your specific individual needs, which is discovered during your free 30 minute consultation.

Why Does Hypnotherapy For Anxiety Work?

Specific language patterns are used to speak directly to your subconscious mind, this is where deep seated beliefs, unwanted habits, emotional responses and reactive behaviours are held.

Our emotional behaviours and reactive responses that are directly linked to anxiety are able to be changed with hypnotherapy.

The key to unlock the deeper levels of our mind where anxiety has been created and experienced is offered via hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is safe and very effective.

trauma hypnosis, therapy for trauma, hypnotherapy dubbo

Common signs of an anxiety attack

  1. Feelings of fear and dread
  2. Fuzzy thinking and panic
  3. Lack of focus
  4. Dizziness
  5. Muscle Tension
  6. Headaches
  7. Tightness in the chest
  8. Shallow breathing
  9. Shakiness and trembling
  10. Heart racing
  11. Knots in the stomach
  12. Stomach aches
  13. IBS Symptoms/ get worse
  14. Insomnia and restlessness
  15. Jaw clicking, teeth grinding

How My Program Is Delivered:

My Anxiety Hypnotherapy program is delivered in person, or via an online service called ZOOM.

Program Outcomes- 

  • Release subconscious blocks that have kept you stuck in anxious cycles.
  • Create new positive subconscious thought patterns for greater joy and happiness. 
  • Develop a conscious mindset that moves beyond anxiety responses and reactions. 
  • Feel in control of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings  every day.

Free consultations available here