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Covellite Tumbles

Covellite Tumbles

Regular price $16.00
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Covellite is a rare copper sulfide mineral known for its vibrant blue colour, which ranges from deep blue to purple. This crystal is associated with intuition, spiritual awakening, and transformation. It is believed to possess a unique energy that facilitates deep inner exploration and connection to higher consciousness.

Healing for Emotions: Emotionally, Covellite is thought to be a powerful aid in emotional healing. It is believed to help release deep-seated emotions, allowing for a more profound understanding of oneself. This crystal encourages emotional clarity, helping individuals navigate through complex feelings and fostering a sense of emotional balance.

Mental Healing: In the realm of mental well-being, Covellite stimulates the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and mental clarity. It is believed to support mental focus, spiritual insight, and inner exploration. This crystal can be a valuable companion during meditation or practices that involve introspection and self-discovery.

Physical Healing: Physically, Covellite is associated with energetic cleansing and vitality. It is believed to stimulate the energy flow within the body, supporting overall well-being. While not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, Covellite's energy may contribute to a sense of rejuvenation and vitality.

Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, Covellite is revered for its ability to deepen spiritual connections. It is often used in meditation to enhance spiritual awareness, promote lucid dreaming, and facilitate communication with higher realms. Covellite's transformative energy encourages spiritual growth and a greater understanding of one's spiritual path.

How to Use: To harness the benefits of Covellite, wear it as jewelry, carry it in your pocket, or place it in your meditation space. During meditation, hold the stone on your third eye chakra or place it on your forehead to enhance intuitive insights and spiritual experiences.


  • Emotional clarity and balance
  • Mental focus and spiritual insight
  • Energetic cleansing and vitality
  • Deepened spiritual connections and growth

Embrace the profound and transformative energy of Covellite, allowing it to guide you on a journey of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let the deep indigo hues of this captivating gemstone illuminate the path to inner exploration and spiritual awakening.

Properties: Inner Peace | Healing | Transformation | Awareness
Chakra: Third Eye
Chakra Info: When the third eye chakra is balanced and open, it supports clear perception, inner knowing, and expanded consciousness. It allows us to tap into our intuition, receive guidance, and gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us. A balanced third eye chakra enhances our ability to trust our instincts and make decisions aligned with our higher purpose.


Covellite is a crystal known for its transformative and purifying energy. Its healing abilities encompass physical health, psychic development, and emotional well-being. Covellite is believed to stimulate the release of energetic blockages, promoting overall balance and vitality. It supports mental clarity and focus, aiding in stress reduction. Additionally, Covellite enhances psychic abilities and intuition, opening the door to higher realms of consciousness. It facilitates spiritual growth and deepens connections with one's inner wisdom. Emotionally, Covellite promotes healing, self-acceptance, and compassion, fostering harmonious relationships and emotional balance. It is a powerful crystal for transformation and personal growth.


Covellite is believed to have a transformative and purifying energy that can assist in the healing process. It is thought to help release energetic blockages, promoting overall well-being and balance. Covellite's energy is said to stimulate the flow of vital energy, supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms. It is also associated with promoting mental clarity, focus, and reducing stress.

Relationships + Love

Covellite is also associated with matters of the heart and can have a positive impact on love and relationships. It is believed to promote emotional healing and balance, assisting in the release of emotional blockages. Covellite's energy fosters self-love and self-acceptance, which in turn can enhance the capacity for love and deeper connections with others. It is thought to bring harmony, understanding, and compassion to relationships, aiding in resolving conflicts and fostering a deeper sense of unity and love.

Healing Information

Covellite is a crystal known for its transformative and purifying energy. Its healing abilities encompass physical health, psychic development, and emotional well-being. Covellite is believed to stimulate the release of energetic blockages, promoting overall balance and vitality. It supports mental clarity and focus, aiding in stress reduction. Additionally, Covellite enhances psychic abilities and intuition, opening the door to higher realms of consciousness. It facilitates spiritual growth and deepens connections with one's inner wisdom. Emotionally, Covellite promotes healing, self-acceptance, and compassion, fostering harmonious relationships and emotional balance. It is a powerful crystal for transformation and personal growth.

How to Care for your Crystal

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