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Jade Lushan Tumble

Jade Lushan Tumble

Regular price $3.00
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Introducing Jade Lushan, a precious and revered crystal celebrated for its lush green hues and transformative healing properties. Beyond its exquisite appearance, this crystal serves as a versatile ally for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Healing for Emotions: Jade Lushan acts as a soothing balm for the emotions, promoting emotional balance and harmony. It is believed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional tension, fostering a sense of calmness and inner peace. This crystal encourages emotional resilience, making it a valuable companion during times of emotional healing and self-discovery.

Mental Healing: In the realm of mental well-being, Jade Lushan enhances mental clarity and focus. It is thought to stimulate the mind, promoting clear thinking, insight, and wisdom. This crystal's calming energy can contribute to mental resilience, reducing mental fog, and fostering a positive mindset.

Physical Healing: Physically, Jade Lushan is associated with overall well-being. While not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, its transformative energy may contribute to stress reduction, promoting relaxation and a sense of physical tranquility. Jade Lushan is also believed to have purifying effects on the body.

Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, Jade Lushan resonates with the heart chakra, fostering a deep connection to love and compassion. It is often used in meditation to enhance spiritual awareness, promote clarity of thought, and attract positive energies. Jade Lushan encourages a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

How to Use: To incorporate the benefits of Jade Lushan into your life, wear it as jewelry, carry it in your pocket, or place it in your home or workspace. During meditation, hold the stone on your heart chakra to enhance feelings of love, compassion, and spiritual connection.


  • Emotional balance and stress reduction
  • Mental clarity and wisdom
  • Physical relaxation and tranquility
  • Spiritual awareness and connection to love

Embrace the lush and transformative energy of Jade Lushan, allowing it to guide you on a journey of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let the exquisite green hues of this crystal illuminate the path to a more balanced and harmonious existence.



Jade Lushan Tumble is a beloved stone for its remarkable healing properties. This jade is said to balance bodily fluids, cleanse organs, and eliminate toxins. It fortifies skeletal and cellular systems, aiding in the healing of illnesses and physical injuries.


Physically, Jade Lushan is associated with overall well-being. While not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, its transformative energy may contribute to stress reduction, promoting relaxation and a sense of physical tranquility. Jade Lushan is also believed to have purifying effects on the body.

Relationships + Love

This crystal illuminate the path to a more balanced and harmonious existence.

Healing Information

Jade Lushan Tumble is a beloved stone for its remarkable healing properties. This jade is said to balance bodily fluids, cleanse organs, and eliminate toxins. It fortifies skeletal and cellular systems, aiding in the healing of illnesses and physical injuries.

How to Care for your Crystal

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