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Mangano Calcite Tumbles | A Grade

Mangano Calcite Tumbles | A Grade

Regular price $6.00
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Mangano Calcite, a gentle and soothing crystal known for its soft pink hues and transformative healing properties. Beyond its delicate appearance, this crystal serves as a compassionate ally for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Healing for Emotions: Mangano Calcite is celebrated for its heart-centered energy, promoting emotional healing and unconditional love. It is believed to soothe emotional wounds, alleviate stress, and foster compassion. This crystal encourages a sense of emotional balance and harmony, making it a valuable companion during times of emotional healing and self-discovery.

Mental Healing: In the realm of mental well-being, Mangano Calcite enhances mental and emotional clarity. It is thought to aid in overcoming fear and anxiety, promoting a positive mindset and emotional resilience. This crystal's calming energy can contribute to mental tranquility, reducing mental fatigue.

Physical Healing: Physically, Mangano Calcite is associated with overall well-being. While not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, its transformative energy may contribute to stress reduction, promoting relaxation and a sense of physical tranquility. Mangano Calcite is also believed to have purifying effects on the body.

Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, Mangano Calcite resonates with the heart chakra, fostering a deep connection to love and spiritual growth. It is often used in meditation to enhance spiritual awareness, promote clarity of thought, and attract positive energies. Mangano Calcite encourages a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

How to Use:

  1. Wear as Jewelry: Adorn Mangano Calcite as jewelry to carry its loving energies with you throughout the day, promoting emotional stability and spiritual connection.

  2. Place in Living Space: Position Mangano Calcite in your living space or workspace to create a calming atmosphere, fostering relaxation and concentration.

  3. Meditation: Incorporate Mangano Calcite into meditation practices to enhance spiritual awareness, promote clarity of thought, and attract positive energies.

  4. Hold in Hand: Hold Mangano Calcite in your hand during moments of stress or when focusing on specific tasks, benefiting from its calming and nurturing energies.


  • Emotional healing and unconditional love
  • Enhanced mental and emotional clarity
  • Relaxation and stress reduction
  • Spiritual awareness and connection to love

Embrace the gentle and transformative energy of Mangano Calcite, allowing it to guide you on a journey of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let the soft pink hues of this crystal illuminate the path to a more balanced and loving existence.

Properties: Self Discovery | Emotional Healing | Relaxation | Tranquillity 
Chakra: Heart Chakra
Chakra Info: When the heart chakra is balanced, it radiates warmth, kindness, and empathy. It enables us to give and receive love, form healthy relationships, and experience a deep sense of connection with ourselves and others. Opening and nurturing the heart chakra promotes emotional healing, forgiveness, and a profound sense of inner peace and harmony.


Mangano Calcite holds a nurturing vibration that promotes self-love, compassion, and emotional balance. It helps soothe emotional wounds, relieve anxiety and stress, and encourages a sense of serenity and tranquillity. By working with Mangano Calcite, individuals can experience deep emotional healing, release past traumas, and foster a greater sense of self-acceptance and love.


Mangano Calcite is believed to support the healing of the physical body. Its gentle energy aids in reducing tension, alleviating muscle cramps, and promoting overall relaxation. Mangano Calcite's soothing influence can also assist in the recovery from illness or injury by restoring energetic balance and promoting a sense of well-being.

Relationships + Love

Mangano Calcite's loving energy fosters compassion, empathy, and harmonious connections. It supports the healing of emotional wounds, encourages forgiveness, and enhances the ability to give and receive love. Mangano Calcite can help individuals attract and cultivate healthy and loving relationships by promoting open communication, deep emotional connection, and a sense of unity and understanding.

Healing Information

Mangano Calcite holds a nurturing vibration that promotes self-love, compassion, and emotional balance. It helps soothe emotional wounds, relieve anxiety and stress, and encourages a sense of serenity and tranquillity. By working with Mangano Calcite, individuals can experience deep emotional healing, release past traumas, and foster a greater sense of self-acceptance and love.

How to Care for your Crystal

Caring for crystals is an important practice to maintain their energy and appearance. Here are some general guidelines for crystal care:
Cleansing: Crystals absorb energy from their surroundings, so it's essential to cleanse them regularly.
Charging: After cleansing, you can recharge your crystal with positive energy.
When not in use, store your crystals in a safe and clean place.
Intuition and intention: Trust your intuition when it comes to caring for your crystals. If you feel that a crystal needs cleansing or a different form of care, listen to your instincts. Additionally, set positive intentions for your crystals, as your thoughts and intentions can enhance their energy.

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