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Black Moonstone Tumbles

Black Moonstone Tumbles

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Introducing our exquisite Black Moonstone, a captivating gemstone revered for its profound metaphysical properties. As a stone of deep emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing, Black Moonstone transcends traditional gemstones, offering a unique blend of beauty and holistic well-being.

Meaning: Black Moonstone, with its mysterious and alluring appearance, is known as a symbol of new beginnings. It is believed to carry the energy of the new moon, signifying the potential for growth, renewal, and transformation. This gemstone is associated with intuition, inner reflection, and the feminine energies of the moon, making it a powerful ally for those seeking spiritual insight and emotional balance.

Healing for Emotions: Emotionally, Black Moonstone is a gentle guide through the realms of the subconscious, helping to unearth and heal deep-seated emotions. It is thought to bring emotional harmony, offering support during times of stress and promoting a sense of calmness. Its energy encourages self-acceptance and self-love, fostering a positive emotional state.

Mental Healing: In the realm of mental well-being, Black Moonstone is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It encourages clear thinking, aiding in the release of negative thought patterns and promoting mental clarity. By stimulating creativity and inspiration, this gemstone is an ideal companion for those seeking mental rejuvenation and a fresh perspective.

Physical Healing: Physically, Black Moonstone is thought to have a gentle, soothing effect on the body. It is associated with balancing hormones, easing menstrual discomfort, and promoting reproductive health. Additionally, its energy is believed to support the body's natural healing processes, contributing to overall well-being.

Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, Black Moonstone is revered for its connection to the divine feminine and its ability to enhance spiritual growth. It is often used for meditation, helping individuals access higher states of consciousness and connect with their inner selves. This gemstone is also believed to strengthen the aura and provide protection during spiritual practices.

How to Use: To harness the benefits of Black Moonstone, incorporate it into your daily life by wearing it as jewelry, carrying it in your pocket, or placing it in your home or workspace. During meditation, hold the stone in your hand or place it on your third eye or heart chakra to deepen your connection with its energy.


  • Emotional balance and harmony
  • Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities
  • Mental clarity and creativity
  • Support for hormonal balance and reproductive health
  • Spiritual growth and connection

Embrace the transformative power of Black Moonstone and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewed vitality.

Properties : Calms emotions | Deeply connected with the moon + earth | Encourages confidence | Psychic protection
Chakra : Root Chakra | The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with grounding, stability, and a sense of security. It serves as the foundation for the other chakras, providing a sense of stability and connection to the Earth.
Root Chakra Info : When the Root Chakra is balanced and aligned, it promotes feelings of safety, stability, and a strong connection to the physical body and the Earth. It enhances feelings of being grounded and centred, allowing one to navigate life's challenges with a sense of confidence and stability.


Black Moonstone is the perfect piece to have in your crystal collection if you need some calming vibrations in your life! If you’re looking for some deep spiritual healing or even looking for a stone that will be receptive of your intentions; you will find that in Black Moonstone. It is a crystal that is deeply connected to the moon and earth, and therefor will provide you with intuition and help to disperse negative energies that are either in your aura or that surround your aura. Black Moonstone is also a great tool for psychic protection! Beware of holding this crystal around the time of the full moon; it is known to greatly strengthen and enhance psychic abilities for those who practice spiritual acts.


· Helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion and stomach pains
· Helps regenerate the female reproductive system
· Aids those with electronic sensitivity

Relationships + Love

Black Moonstone possesses a nurturing and protective energy that encourages emotional balance and vulnerability in relationships. It enhances the emotional connection between partners, fostering empathy, compassion, and open communication. This crystal serves as a guide during times of transition, helping couples navigate challenges, release emotional blockages, and foster deeper emotional intimacy.

Healing Information

Black Moonstone is the perfect piece to have in your crystal collection if you need some calming vibrations in your life! If you’re looking for some deep spiritual healing or even looking for a stone that will be receptive of your intentions; you will find that in Black Moonstone. It is a crystal that is deeply connected to the moon and earth, and therefor will provide you with intuition and help to disperse negative energies that are either in your aura or that surround your aura. Black Moonstone is also a great tool for psychic protection! Beware of holding this crystal around the time of the full moon; it is known to greatly strengthen and enhance psychic abilities for those who practice spiritual acts.

How to Care for your Crystal

Crystals absorb energy from their surroundings, so it's essential to cleanse them regularly.
Charging: After cleansing, you can recharge your crystal with positive energy.
When not in use, store your crystals in a safe and clean place.
Intuition and intention: Trust your intuition when it comes to caring for your crystals. If you feel that a crystal needs cleansing or a different form of care, listen to your instincts. Additionally, set positive intentions for your crystals, as your thoughts and intentions can enhance their energy.

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