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Black Obsidian | Purple Etched

Black Obsidian | Purple Etched

Regular price $28.00
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Journey into the depths of inner truth and protection with our Black Obsidian Crystal, a powerful gemstone revered for its dark beauty and profound metaphysical properties. As ancient as the earth itself, Black Obsidian holds the key to unlocking hidden truths and shielding one from negative energies.

Meaning and Uses: Black Obsidian, with its deep, opaque black hue, symbolizes strength, protection, and transformation. It's a stone of purification, aiding in the release of negative energies and emotional blockages. Black Obsidian serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and inner reflection, guiding individuals towards greater clarity and truth.

Emotional Benefits: Emotionally, Black Obsidian provides a shield of protection against negativity and psychic attacks. It helps in absorbing and transmuting negative energies, promoting emotional resilience and stability. Black Obsidian also facilitates emotional healing by uncovering deep-seated traumas and encouraging their release.

Physical Benefits: Physically, Black Obsidian is believed to aid in detoxification and purification of the body. It's often used to alleviate physical tension and promote overall wellness. Additionally, Black Obsidian is thought to support the immune system and assist in healing processes.

Mental Benefits: Mentally, Black Obsidian enhances mental clarity and self-awareness. It helps in dispelling illusions and revealing hidden truths, allowing for a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around. Black Obsidian also assists in breaking negative thought patterns and promoting positive mental habits.

Spiritual Benefits: Spiritually, Black Obsidian is associated with the Root Chakra, the foundation of our physical and energetic being. It helps in grounding and stabilizing one's energy, fostering a sense of security and belonging. Black Obsidian also aids in spiritual protection, creating a barrier against negativity and psychic intrusions.

Pairing Recommendations: To amplify its effects, Black Obsidian can be paired with grounding stones like Hematite or Smoky Quartz to enhance feelings of stability and protection. It also complements stones like Amethyst or Clear Quartz for amplifying spiritual awareness and insight.

Chakra Affiliation: Black Obsidian primarily aligns with the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, which governs our sense of safety, security, and survival instincts.

Discover the transformative power of Black Obsidian Crystal. Purchase your own piece of this protective gemstone from our crystal store in Australia and embark on a journey towards clarity, strength, and spiritual protection today!


Black Obsidian is renowned for its potent healing properties that address various aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. Here are some of the key healing benefits associated with Black Obsidian:

Grounding and Protection: Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that anchors and stabilizes the energy field. It forms a protective shield around the aura, deflecting negative energies and psychic attacks, making it an ideal crystal for empaths and those working in challenging environments.

Emotional Healing: Black Obsidian assists in releasing negative emotions, traumas, and past hurts buried deep within the subconscious mind. It encourages facing and processing unresolved issues, leading to emotional healing, inner peace, and a greater sense of self-awareness.

Clearing and Purification: Black Obsidian has a purifying effect on the energetic body, helping to remove stagnant or negative energies that may be blocking personal growth or spiritual progress. It cleanses the aura and chakras, promoting balance and harmony within the energy system.

Psychic Protection: Due to its strong protective qualities, Black Obsidian shields against psychic attacks, negative entities, and harmful influences from the environment. It creates a safe space for spiritual exploration and psychic development, enhancing intuition and psychic awareness.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs: Black Obsidian helps to uncover and release deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve one's highest good. It promotes self-reflection, encourages self-acceptance, and empowers individuals to let go of self-imposed limitations.

Physical Healing: While primarily known for its energetic healing properties, Black Obsidian is believed to support physical healing processes by promoting detoxification, improving circulation, and alleviating physical tension or discomfort.

Spiritual Transformation: Black Obsidian facilitates spiritual growth and transformation by assisting in the integration of shadow aspects and the release of karmic patterns. It encourages self-discovery, spiritual insight, and a deeper connection to one's true essence.

To harness the healing benefits of Black Obsidian, incorporate it into your daily life through meditation, wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your living or working space, or carrying it with you as a protective talisman. Remember to cleanse and recharge the crystal regularly to maintain its optimal energetic properties.


Black Obsidian is believed to offer several health benefits due to its unique energetic properties. While it's important to note that crystal healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, many individuals find that incorporating Black Obsidian into their wellness routine can complement traditional healthcare practices. Here are some ways Black Obsidian may contribute to overall health:

Energy Cleansing: Black Obsidian has a powerful purifying effect on the energy field, helping to remove stagnant or negative energies that may contribute to physical ailments. By cleansing the aura and chakras, Black Obsidian promotes energetic balance and vitality.

Stress Reduction: Black Obsidian's grounding energy helps to alleviate stress, tension, and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being. It encourages relaxation, calms the mind, and promotes a sense of inner peace.

Detoxification: Some believe that Black Obsidian's purifying properties extend to the physical body, assisting in the detoxification process by eliminating toxins and impurities. It may support the liver, kidneys, and other organs involved in the body's natural detox processes.

Pain Relief: While not a substitute for medical treatment, some individuals find that Black Obsidian's calming energy can help reduce discomfort associated with physical pain, such as headaches, muscle tension, or menstrual cramps. It promotes relaxation and may alleviate symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Improved Circulation: Black Obsidian is associated with improved circulation and blood flow, which can support overall cardiovascular health and vitality. It may help regulate blood pressure, improve oxygenation of tissues, and enhance overall circulation throughout the body.

Immune Support: By promoting energetic balance and vitality, Black Obsidian may indirectly support the immune system's ability to function optimally. A balanced energy field contributes to overall health and resilience against illness and disease.

Emotional Healing: Black Obsidian's ability to release negative emotions and traumas can have a positive impact on mental and emotional health, which in turn can influence physical well-being. By addressing underlying emotional imbalances, Black Obsidian supports holistic health and vitality.

To experience the potential health benefits of Black Obsidian, you can place it in your living space to promote energetic balance, carry it with you as a protective talisman, or incorporate it into your meditation and energy healing practices. As with any complementary therapy, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

Relationships + Love

While Black Obsidian is primarily known for its protective and grounding properties, it can also offer support in matters of love and relationships. Here's how Black Obsidian can be beneficial for fostering healthy relationships:

Protection from Negative Energies: Black Obsidian creates a shield of energetic protection around the aura, shielding individuals from negative energies, influences, and psychic attacks that may impact their relationships. This protection helps maintain a harmonious and positive environment for love to flourish.

Clearing Emotional Baggage: Black Obsidian assists in releasing emotional baggage, past traumas, and negative patterns that may hinder healthy relationships. By purifying the energetic body, it allows individuals to let go of old wounds and approach relationships with a clean slate.

Promoting Honest Communication: Black Obsidian is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. By opening and balancing the throat chakra, it encourages honest and open communication between partners, fostering understanding, trust, and emotional intimacy.

Supporting Self-Reflection: Black Obsidian promotes self-reflection and introspection, allowing individuals to examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors within the context of their relationships. It encourages taking responsibility for one's actions and promotes personal growth and accountability.

Healing Emotional Wounds: Black Obsidian's grounding energy can help heal emotional wounds and address underlying issues that may affect relationships. It encourages individuals to confront and process unresolved emotions, leading to greater emotional resilience and maturity.

Strengthening Boundaries: Black Obsidian assists in establishing healthy boundaries in relationships, allowing individuals to assert their needs, desires, and personal space. By strengthening boundaries, it fosters mutual respect and ensures that relationships are based on equality and mutual consent.

Encouraging Commitment: Black Obsidian's stabilizing energy promotes commitment and loyalty in relationships. It helps individuals feel grounded and secure in their partnerships, fostering a sense of stability and longevity in love.

To harness the benefits of Black Obsidian for relationships and love, individuals can place the crystal in their living space to promote a harmonious atmosphere, carry it with them as a protective talisman, or meditate with it to release emotional blockages and promote clarity of mind. As with any crystal healing practice, it's essential to set clear intentions and approach the crystal with an open heart and mind.

Healing Information

Black Obsidian is renowned for its potent healing properties that address various aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. Here are some of the key healing benefits associated with Black Obsidian:

Grounding and Protection: Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that anchors and stabilizes the energy field. It forms a protective shield around the aura, deflecting negative energies and psychic attacks, making it an ideal crystal for empaths and those working in challenging environments.

Emotional Healing: Black Obsidian assists in releasing negative emotions, traumas, and past hurts buried deep within the subconscious mind. It encourages facing and processing unresolved issues, leading to emotional healing, inner peace, and a greater sense of self-awareness.

Clearing and Purification: Black Obsidian has a purifying effect on the energetic body, helping to remove stagnant or negative energies that may be blocking personal growth or spiritual progress. It cleanses the aura and chakras, promoting balance and harmony within the energy system.

Psychic Protection: Due to its strong protective qualities, Black Obsidian shields against psychic attacks, negative entities, and harmful influences from the environment. It creates a safe space for spiritual exploration and psychic development, enhancing intuition and psychic awareness.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs: Black Obsidian helps to uncover and release deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve one's highest good. It promotes self-reflection, encourages self-acceptance, and empowers individuals to let go of self-imposed limitations.

Physical Healing: While primarily known for its energetic healing properties, Black Obsidian is believed to support physical healing processes by promoting detoxification, improving circulation, and alleviating physical tension or discomfort.

Spiritual Transformation: Black Obsidian facilitates spiritual growth and transformation by assisting in the integration of shadow aspects and the release of karmic patterns. It encourages self-discovery, spiritual insight, and a deeper connection to one's true essence.

To harness the healing benefits of Black Obsidian, incorporate it into your daily life through meditation, wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your living or working space, or carrying it with you as a protective talisman. Remember to cleanse and recharge the crystal regularly to maintain its optimal energetic properties.

How to Care for your Crystal

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