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Indigo Gabbro | Mystic Merlin Sphere

Indigo Gabbro | Mystic Merlin Sphere

Regular price $48.00
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Embark on a journey of inner exploration with the enigmatic Indigo Gabbro Crystal, a captivating stone revered for its mystical allure and profound metaphysical properties.

Meaning and Symbolism: Indigo Gabbro, also known as Mystic Merlinite or Merlin Stone, derives its name from its mesmerizing indigo hues and its association with the legendary wizard Merlin. Symbolizing magic and transformation, this crystal invites you to delve deep into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the hidden realms of consciousness.

Uses and Benefits:

  • Spiritual Insight: Indigo Gabbro facilitates spiritual growth and inner exploration, allowing access to higher dimensions and realms of wisdom.
  • Psychic Enhancement: This crystal heightens intuition and psychic abilities, opening the third eye and enhancing spiritual vision.
  • Emotional Healing: Indigo Gabbro assists in releasing emotional blockages and past traumas, promoting inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Manifestation: Harnessing the energies of manifestation, Indigo Gabbro helps align intentions with universal energies to manifest dreams and desires.

Chakra Alignment: Indigo Gabbro resonates primarily with the Third Eye Chakra, the center of intuition and inner wisdom. By clearing blockages and balancing this energy center, it enhances spiritual insight and psychic awareness.

Pair with:

  • Amethyst: Combine Indigo Gabbro with Amethyst to amplify intuitive abilities and deepen spiritual connections.
  • Labradorite: Pairing Indigo Gabbro with Labradorite creates a powerful synergy for enhancing psychic protection and spiritual vision.
  • Selenite: Use Indigo Gabbro alongside Selenite for cleansing and purifying energy fields, creating a harmonious space for spiritual practice.

Embrace the magic of Indigo Gabbro Crystal and unlock the secrets of the universe. Let its mystical energy guide you on a journey of spiritual awakening, insight, and transformation.


Discover profound healing with Mystic Merlinite. This mystical stone aids in releasing emotional blockages, fostering inner peace and balance. Embrace its transformative energy for emotional healing and spiritual renewal.


Unlock vitality and well-being with Mystic Merlinite. This enchanting stone promotes emotional balance and mental clarity, fostering physical health and resilience. Embrace its mystical energy for holistic wellness and vitality.

Relationships + Love

Deepen connections and foster love with Mystic Merlinite. This mystical stone promotes emotional healing and understanding, fostering harmonious relationships and deepening bonds of love. Embrace its transformative energy to enhance intimacy and create lasting connections.

Healing Information

Discover profound healing with Mystic Merlinite. This mystical stone aids in releasing emotional blockages, fostering inner peace and balance. Embrace its transformative energy for emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

How to Care for your Crystal

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