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Shungite Sphere

Shungite Sphere

Regular price $15.00
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Shungite, revered for its unique properties, emanate a profound energy that aligns with both holistic and professional realms of healing. These ancient gems hold a rich history and are believed to have formed billions of years ago. Shungite is known for its powerful ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies, making it an ideal tool for energetic protection and harmonization. It acts as a shield against harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices, creating a balanced and energetically harmonious environment. The holistic meaning of Shungite extends beyond its protective qualities, as it is also regarded as a stone of purification and transformation. It is thought to cleanse the energy field, removing negative and stagnant energies, while promoting spiritual growth and personal transformation. By clearing energetic blockages, Shungite crystals facilitate a state of balance, vitality, and overall well-being.

Shungite possess remarkable healing abilities that span physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. Physically, these crystals are believed to have detoxifying properties, assisting in the elimination of toxins from the body and supporting the purification of organs and systems. They are also associated with reducing inflammation and promoting cellular regeneration, aiding in the healing of various ailments. Emotionally, Shungite crystals have a calming and grounding effect, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. They foster a sense of emotional stability, resilience, and inner peace. Spiritually, Shungite crystals are considered transformative allies, assisting in spiritual evolution and higher consciousness. They facilitate a deep connection with the Earth's energy, enhancing spiritual insights, and promoting a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings. Shungite crystals are revered for their holistic healing properties, offering a unique combination of protection, purification, and spiritual growth.

Properties: Healing | Detoxifying | Balance | Vitality | Well-being
Chakra: Root Chakra
Chakra Info: The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for grounding, stability, and a sense of security. When the Root Chakra is balanced, it enhances feelings of safety, courage, and self-confidence, which are essential for building healthy relationships and experiencing love.


Shungite crystals possess remarkable healing properties that encompass physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Known for their ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies, they provide energetic protection and promote balance in our increasingly digital world. Shungite is also revered for its detoxifying qualities, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body and supporting overall purification and rejuvenation. Emotionally, Shungite crystals offer a sense of stability and grounding, helping to alleviate stress and foster emotional well-being. On a spiritual level, Shungite assists in spiritual growth, grounding one's energy and facilitating a deeper connection to the Earth and higher realms of consciousness. Embracing the energy of Shungite can bring a sense of harmony, protection, and holistic healing into one's life.


Shungite is renowned for its ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies. This makes it an ideal tool for mitigating the potential harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices. By creating a harmonious energetic environment, Shungite promotes balance and well-being on a physical level. It is also believed to have detoxifying properties, helping to eliminate toxins from the body and supporting overall purification and rejuvenation.

Relationships + Love

When it comes to love and relationships, shungite crystals foster a sense of stability, grounding, and emotional well-being. By aligning with the Root Chakra, they support a strong foundation for relationships, enhancing feelings of security, trust, and stability. Shungite can also assist in shielding against negative energies or influences that may impact relationships, allowing for healthier and more harmonious connections with others.

Healing Information

Shungite crystals possess remarkable healing properties that encompass physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Known for their ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies, they provide energetic protection and promote balance in our increasingly digital world. Shungite is also revered for its detoxifying qualities, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body and supporting overall purification and rejuvenation. Emotionally, Shungite crystals offer a sense of stability and grounding, helping to alleviate stress and foster emotional well-being. On a spiritual level, Shungite assists in spiritual growth, grounding one's energy and facilitating a deeper connection to the Earth and higher realms of consciousness. Embracing the energy of Shungite can bring a sense of harmony, protection, and holistic healing into one's life.

How to Care for your Crystal

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