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Blue Green Obsidian Tower

Blue Green Obsidian Tower

Regular price $25.00
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Embark on a journey of serenity and emotional healing with our Blue Green Obsidian Crystal, a rare gemstone prized for its mesmerizing hues and profound metaphysical properties. With its tranquil energy and soothing vibrations, Blue Green Obsidian offers a pathway to inner peace and emotional balance.

Meaning and Uses: Blue Green Obsidian, with its striking blend of blue and green tones, symbolizes tranquillity, healing, and emotional renewal. It's a stone of emotional healing, offering support in releasing past traumas and embracing forgiveness and compassion. Blue Green Obsidian serves as a gentle reminder to trust in the process of healing and to nurture oneself with love and understanding.

Emotional Benefits: Emotionally, Blue Green Obsidian provides a calming influence on the heart and mind. It helps in soothing emotional wounds and promoting self-acceptance and inner peace. Blue Green Obsidian encourages emotional clarity and open communication, facilitating healthy relationships and emotional connections.

Physical Benefits: Physically, Blue Green Obsidian is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system. It's often used to alleviate stress and tension, promoting relaxation and restful sleep. Additionally, Blue Green Obsidian is thought to support overall physical well-being, aiding in the release of physical tension and promoting a sense of vitality.

Mental Benefits: Mentally, Blue Green Obsidian enhances mental clarity and inner harmony. It helps in quieting the mind and releasing mental clutter, allowing for greater focus and concentration. Blue Green Obsidian also assists in overcoming self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, promoting mental resilience and self-confidence.

Spiritual Benefits: Spiritually, Blue Green Obsidian is associated with the Heart Chakra, the centre of love, compassion, and emotional healing. It helps in opening and balancing this chakra, allowing for a deeper connection with oneself and others. Blue Green Obsidian also facilitates spiritual growth and transformation, guiding individuals towards a greater sense of inner peace and fulfilment.

Pairing Recommendations: To enhance its effects, Blue Green Obsidian can be paired with stones like Rose Quartz or Green Aventurine to amplify feelings of love and compassion. It also complements stones like Amethyst or Clear Quartz for enhancing spiritual awareness and insight.

Chakra Affiliation: Blue Green Obsidian primarily aligns with the Heart Chakra, located at the centre of the chest, which governs our ability to give and receive love, compassion, and emotional balance.

Experience the healing power of Blue Green Obsidian Crystal. Purchase your own piece of this rare gemstone from our crystal store in Australia and embark on a journey towards emotional renewal and inner tranquility today!


Blue-Green Obsidian Tower is a rare and powerful crystal known for its ability to promote emotional healing, inner peace, and tranquility. Here are some healing properties and benefits associated with this exquisite gemstone:

Emotional Healing: Blue-Green Obsidian Tower gently soothes and calms the emotions, making it an excellent crystal for those struggling with stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil. Its serene energy encourages emotional release and supports the healing of past traumas.

Communication: This crystal is believed to enhance communication skills and promote effective expression of thoughts and feelings. It helps in resolving conflicts and misunderstandings by encouraging open and honest communication.

Harmony and Balance: Blue-Green Obsidian Tower works to restore balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit. It aligns the chakras and energy centers, promoting a sense of equilibrium and well-being.

Spiritual Connection: Meditating with Blue-Green Obsidian can deepen your spiritual connection and enhance intuition. It facilitates a stronger connection to the higher self and the divine realms, aiding in spiritual growth and development.

Protection: Like other forms of obsidian, Blue-Green Obsidian Tower offers protection from negative energies and psychic attacks. It creates a shield of energetic protection around the aura, ensuring a safe and harmonious environment.

Physical Healing: While primarily known for its emotional and spiritual healing properties, Blue-Green Obsidian may also support physical healing processes. It is believed to aid in detoxification, boost the immune system, and promote overall vitality.

Manifestation: This crystal is associated with the manifestation of desires and intentions. By aligning your thoughts and emotions with your goals, Blue-Green Obsidian can help you manifest positive outcomes and attract abundance into your life.

To harness the healing energy of Blue-Green Obsidian Tower, simply place it in your living space, carry it with you throughout the day, or incorporate it into your meditation and energy healing practices. Allow its gentle vibrations to wash over you, bringing a sense of peace, harmony, and renewal to your being.


Blue-Green Obsidian Crystal is believed to offer several health benefits due to its unique energetic properties. While it's important to note that crystal healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, many individuals find that incorporating Blue-Green Obsidian into their wellness routine can complement traditional healthcare practices. Here are some ways Blue-Green Obsidian may contribute to overall health:

Stress Reduction: Blue-Green Obsidian is known for its calming and soothing energy, which can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. By reducing stress levels, this crystal may indirectly support various aspects of physical health.

Emotional Balance: Emotional well-being is closely linked to physical health. Blue-Green Obsidian aids in emotional healing and stability, helping to address underlying emotional imbalances that may impact overall health and vitality.

Immune System Support: Some believe that Blue-Green Obsidian's cleansing properties can help support the body's immune system by removing energetic blockages and promoting energetic flow throughout the body.

Detoxification: Blue-Green Obsidian is associated with purification and detoxification. By clearing negative energies and promoting balance within the body's energy systems, it may support the body's natural detox processes.

Vitality and Energy: Blue-Green Obsidian's harmonizing energy can help restore vitality and energy levels, which are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Pain Relief: While not a substitute for medical treatment, some individuals find that Blue-Green Obsidian's calming energy can help reduce discomfort associated with minor aches and pains.

Respiratory Health: Blue-Green Obsidian is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and the respiratory system. Some people believe that working with Blue-Green Obsidian can help promote respiratory health and clear congestion in the throat and lungs.

To experience the potential health benefits of Blue-Green Obsidian Crystal, you can place it in your living space, carry it with you, meditate with it, or incorporate it into your energy healing practices. As with any complementary therapy, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

Relationships + Love

Blue-Green Obsidian Crystal is a beautiful and powerful stone that can offer valuable support in matters of love and relationships. Here's how Blue-Green Obsidian can enhance love and promote healthy relationships:

Emotional Healing: Blue-Green Obsidian has a gentle and soothing energy that helps to heal emotional wounds and promote inner harmony. By releasing past hurts and negative emotions, this crystal creates space for love to flourish and fosters a greater sense of emotional well-being within oneself.

Communication: Blue-Green Obsidian is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. By opening and balancing the throat chakra, this crystal can enhance communication in relationships, making it easier for partners to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs with honesty and clarity.

Compassion and Understanding: The calming energy of Blue-Green Obsidian encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding in relationships. It helps partners to see things from each other's perspective and fosters a deeper connection based on mutual respect and empathy.

Promotes Harmony: Blue-Green Obsidian's harmonizing energy helps to balance the emotions and create a sense of harmony within relationships. It encourages cooperation, compromise, and mutual support, fostering a healthy and balanced dynamic between partners.

Encourages Forgiveness: This crystal promotes forgiveness and letting go of resentments, allowing partners to move past conflicts and disagreements with grace and compassion. By releasing grudges and grievances, Blue-Green Obsidian clears the path for greater love and understanding to prevail.

Attraction and Magnetism: Blue-Green Obsidian's vibrant energy can enhance attraction and magnetism between partners, reigniting passion and infusing the relationship with a sense of excitement and vitality.

Protection: Like other forms of obsidian, Blue-Green Obsidian offers protection from negative energies and influences that may impact relationships. It creates a shield of energetic protection around the partnership, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for love to thrive.

To harness the benefits of Blue-Green Obsidian for love and relationships, you can place the crystal in your living space to create a harmonious atmosphere, meditate with it to cultivate self-love and compassion, or carry it with you as a reminder of the healing and nurturing energy it provides. Remember to set clear intentions and trust in the power of this beautiful crystal to support you on your journey toward greater love and connection.

Healing Information

Blue-Green Obsidian Tower is a rare and powerful crystal known for its ability to promote emotional healing, inner peace, and tranquility. Here are some healing properties and benefits associated with this exquisite gemstone:

Emotional Healing: Blue-Green Obsidian Tower gently soothes and calms the emotions, making it an excellent crystal for those struggling with stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil. Its serene energy encourages emotional release and supports the healing of past traumas.

Communication: This crystal is believed to enhance communication skills and promote effective expression of thoughts and feelings. It helps in resolving conflicts and misunderstandings by encouraging open and honest communication.

Harmony and Balance: Blue-Green Obsidian Tower works to restore balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit. It aligns the chakras and energy centers, promoting a sense of equilibrium and well-being.

Spiritual Connection: Meditating with Blue-Green Obsidian can deepen your spiritual connection and enhance intuition. It facilitates a stronger connection to the higher self and the divine realms, aiding in spiritual growth and development.

Protection: Like other forms of obsidian, Blue-Green Obsidian Tower offers protection from negative energies and psychic attacks. It creates a shield of energetic protection around the aura, ensuring a safe and harmonious environment.

Physical Healing: While primarily known for its emotional and spiritual healing properties, Blue-Green Obsidian may also support physical healing processes. It is believed to aid in detoxification, boost the immune system, and promote overall vitality.

Manifestation: This crystal is associated with the manifestation of desires and intentions. By aligning your thoughts and emotions with your goals, Blue-Green Obsidian can help you manifest positive outcomes and attract abundance into your life.

To harness the healing energy of Blue-Green Obsidian Tower, simply place it in your living space, carry it with you throughout the day, or incorporate it into your meditation and energy healing practices. Allow its gentle vibrations to wash over you, bringing a sense of peace, harmony, and renewal to your being.

How to Care for your Crystal

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