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Moldavite Specimen

Moldavite Specimen

Regular price $66.00
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Moldavite, a rare and powerful tektite with an otherworldly energy, celebrated for its transformative healing properties. Beyond its unique appearance, this crystal serves as a potent ally for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Healing for Emotions: Moldavite is known for its intense and high-frequency vibrations that can stimulate profound emotional transformation. It is believed to assist in releasing deep-seated emotional blockages, promoting emotional healing, and fostering a sense of emotional balance and resilience.

Mental Healing: In the realm of mental well-being, Moldavite is considered a stone of spiritual evolution. It is thought to enhance mental clarity, stimulate intuition, and open the mind to new perspectives. This crystal's transformative energy can contribute to mental resilience, aiding in personal growth and self-discovery.

Physical Healing: Physically, Moldavite is associated with overall well-being. While not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, its transformative energy may contribute to stress reduction, promoting relaxation and a sense of physical tranquility. Moldavite is also believed to have purifying effects on the body.

Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, Moldavite resonates with the heart and crown chakras, fostering a deep connection to higher consciousness. It is often used in meditation to enhance spiritual awareness, promote clarity of thought, and attract positive energies. Moldavite encourages a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

How to Use:

  1. Wear as Jewelry: Adorn Moldavite as jewelry to carry its transformative energies with you throughout the day, promoting emotional and spiritual growth.

  2. Meditation: Incorporate Moldavite into meditation practices to enhance spiritual awareness, stimulate intuition, and open the mind to new insights.

  3. Place in Living Space: Position Moldavite in your living space or workspace to create an environment infused with high-frequency energies, fostering relaxation and concentration.

  4. Hold in Hand: Hold Moldavite in your hand during moments of stress or when focusing on specific tasks, benefiting from its transformative and purifying energies.


  • Emotional transformation and resilience
  • Enhanced mental clarity and intuition
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Spiritual awareness and connection to higher consciousness

Embrace the rare and transformative energy of Moldavite, allowing it to guide you on a profound journey of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let the celestial energy of this crystal illuminate the path to a more balanced and spiritually enlightened existence.


Moldavite is a powerful crystal with healing and protective qualities. It's believed to cleanse the chakras and accelerate personal development, while offering a shield of spiritual protection to block negative energies. Its healing properties are often linked to the heart and third eye chakras.


Moldavite is a powerful stone known for its healing and protection properties. It is said to cleanse the chakras, accelerate personal development, and block negative energies. Its healing qualities have been linked to the heart and third eye chakras, providing spiritual protection and helping to maintain balanced energy.

Relationships + Love

Moldavite is a powerful crystal with healing and protective qualities. It's believed to cleanse the chakras and accelerate personal development, while offering a shield of spiritual protection to block negative energies. Its healing properties are often linked to the heart and third eye chakras.

Healing Information

Moldavite is a powerful crystal with healing and protective qualities. It's believed to cleanse the chakras and accelerate personal development, while offering a shield of spiritual protection to block negative energies. Its healing properties are often linked to the heart and third eye chakras.

How to Care for your Crystal

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